Tuesday, August 23, 2011

How's the Buddy?

"Buddy Bolden began to get famous right after 1900 come in. He was the first to play the hard jazz and blues for dancing. Had a good band. Strictly ear band. Later on Armstrong, Bunk Johnson, Freddie Keppard – they all knew he began the good jazz. John Robichaux had a real reading band, but Buddy used to kill Robichaux anywhere he went. When he’d parade, he’d take the people with him all the way down Canal Street. Always looked good. When he bought a cornet he’d shine it up and make it glisten like a women’s leg."

Well, that sure sounded like a happy guy.
Before we continue further in, I introduce you Buddy Bolden from the book 'Coming Through Slaughter' by Michael Ondaatje.

Anyways, Buddy Bolden has a life (unlike most people these days with their neverending Facebook spree, sparkling vampires, etc.) ...or had least used to have one.
He had his own life, routine, and of course, cornets. I mean, it's not like this happy, joyful, feisty, [insert another adjective here] man's life could go wrong, right?

Wrong. (Haha, I've always wanted to do that.)

Here's a piece of text that comes later:

"He was frozen. He woke to see the train disappearing away from his body like a vein."

Obviously, it doesn't sound like he found his happy place (or rather, doesn't know how to go back to the happy place, seeing that he used to be happy). Something about that train, something to do with the train leaving, had set this poor guy into what can be described only as ... struck. I can't think of a better word right now, so suggestions would be appreciated.
Anyhow, I'm quite interested to how the author would have thought of comparing a disappearing train and a vein. Some figurative stuff going around here! *raises eyebrows*

"He continued to stand hiding behind the mail wagon. "Help me." He was scared of everybody."

Nope, definitely NOT his best day. I mean, he's hiding. We can infer that he's hiding from SOMETHING. *bows to Dr. Obvious*
Something must have happened for such a change to happen to good ol' Buddy.

"He didn’t want to meet anybody he knew again, ever in his life."

Until here, we can already tell that this either one emotional erratic man, or something very serious/harsh/morbid/hectogerasmicalipic had happened. Although this doesn't really tell much about the true nature behind Buddy, we can sort of infer the situation he's in.

Whatever it was that happened, it left a big impact on Buddy Bolden. I mean, he went missing right after that. It was the last time someone saw him.

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