It's been a loooooong sleep.
Time for the blog to wake up.
Speaking of waking up, I am reading The Awakening by Kate Chopin.
First of all, let me mention how not-weird it is for an Asian teenage boy to be carrying a pink book in his bag at all times. Yes, the book is pink. VERY pink.
Alright! Let's start reading.
The book starts with the mention of a parrot and an introduction to a man, Mr. Pontellier. This guy seems to be your average 19th century sexism-is-fine-because-women-are-inferior guy. He scolds his wife for having been out in the sun for too long.
Woah, woah, woah. Since when was tanning a bad thing? When was this book written?
1899. Ohh. Okay.
The text goes on to state that Mr. Pontellier looked at her wife, Edna, as if she were "a valuable piece of personal property which has suffered some damage".
Wow. That's... harsh.
If the sexual oppresion wasn't clear enough, Chopin clearly tries to make it explicit.
I'm guessing this is a femenist work, and maybe this has something to do with all the pink.
Another thing that seems slightly "off" is the fact that Edna doesn't really mind this. It's all normal. Her life just goes on, as she happily offers an umbrella and laughs.
Today, putting 'woman' and 'personal property' in the same sentence could possibly get you sued. Women wouldn't laugh at that (and would definitely not offer you an umbrella).
Anyways, the book only just started.
Let's prepare ourselves for the core of the apple, shall we?
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